Clear Aligner Therapy

Our office is proud to offer in-house fabricated clear aligners, which give you a clear, convenient, and comfortable option to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

clear aligners

Why Clear Aligner Therapy?

• Faster treatment: With weekly aligner changes, you’re on your way to the smile you want even faster. Depending on your response to treatment, particularly in mature adults, we may consider longer periods between aligner changes.

• Better fit: Aligners made in office are comfortable, fit well, and are easy to put on and take off.

• Effective: Our in-house clear aligners can treat a wide range of teeth-straightening conditions, including crossbites, crowding, open bites, gapped teeth, overbites, and underbites.

• Virtually invisible: Most people won’t even know you’re going through treatment, because clear aligners are virtually invisible!

• Comfortable: Clear aligner trays are not only smooth and comfortable to wear, but they’re also removable. That means you can continue doing all the things you normally would, from brushing and flossing to eating whatever you like.

• Convenient: Clear aligner therapy is ideal for your busy schedule, since you only need to visit our office every six weeks.

The Clear Aligner Treatment Process

At your initial consultation, we will discuss your orthodontic needs and evaluate whether clear aligner therapy is right for you.

We will use a scanner such as the iTero® digital scanning system to create fast, precise 3D digital images of your teeth. Then we’ll map out a precise treatment plan, including the exact movements of your teeth and how long your treatment will be. You’ll even get to see how your teeth will move and preview your new smile.

Your custom-made aligners will be made of Essix ACE® or Taglus™ clear plastic material. They’re virtually invisible, so most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them during your teeth straightening.

Wear your clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for the best results, and take them out only to eat, brush, and floss.

As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth will gently and gradually shift into place. We may recommend that you begin wearing a new set of aligners every week and schedule checkups every six weeks or so.

When your treatment is complete, we will discuss placing a fixed wire retainer or fabricating clear removable retainers. Removable retainers are custom-made using the same state-of-the-art technology as the clear aligners.

To learn more about the clear aligner therapy and all your orthodontic treatment options, please feel free to schedule an appointment at our office. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a smile that’s made to move!

We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a smile that’s made to move!

To learn more about the clear aligner therapy and all your orthodontic treatment options, please feel free to schedule an appointment at our office.